Who are you? Really?
Our true self is who we really are when we let go of all of the stories, labels, and judgments that we have placed upon ourselves. It is who we naturally are without the masks and attachments.
It is who we really are when we let fall to the floor the labels of other people’s stuff that we have taken on.
We play roles to fit into society and we suppress our true nature out of fear of what others think.
There is a time and place for everything and yes, some roles that we play are necessary, but remember that is but a part of you, but not the real you.
Look inside of yourself and take time to discover the "true self" within, outside of the accumulated thoughts and beliefs that we have collected over time from others and ourselves.
1. Meditate and/or spend time in nature. (Take a walk)
2. Be mindful of your thoughts and self talk.
3. Follow your inner guidance. (Intuition)
Living your life in truth of your authentic self sets a wonderful ride of peace and happiness in motion that will only gain more divine momentum each and everyday, leading you to your best and happiest live yet!
Wishing you Peace & Love,
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