
Showing posts from 2017

Priceless Peace

Secrect ingredient to manifesting

Keys to show yourself more love

Time to decide Year End review

Why meditate?

Declare your expectations for your life

Take this time

There is no "perfect" time to move


Success is Self Belief

From the Dirt to the Light

Finding Happiness

Crystal Healing

Believe in Yourself

Completion over perfection

Divinely Qualified

Perfect Imperfections

You can't pour from an empty cup

Birds of a feather

You can change the world

Don't compare

Monday Mindset

Why we celebrate friday

The Beautiful Butterfly

Power of Spoken word

Live not to find yourself, but to create yourself

Let your light shine

How to Overcome Obstacles

Affirm who you are, who you want to be

Remimder~Don't forget about self

Be fearless with confidence

Don't settle to settle

Fabulous Friday

Success doesn't happen to you, it happens because of you

Train your mind to find the good in any situation

Who am I?

Over the Rainbow

A Confident Queen

How to style Over Knee Boots & Booties

The Power of your thoughts

Braided Fro Hawk on Natural Hair

Afro Twist Out on Natural Hair